#food42 – A Campaign to feed the Hungry by Goodness Foundation

Starting today (May 26), a campaign called “Food42” (read: food for two) is initiated by some members of the alumni community through the Goodness Foundation.

The outline is pretty simple.

Feed any 2 people and post a pic on social media with the hashtag #food42

This could be anyone you pass by everyday on the way to work, or somebody who lives at the bus stand near your home.

The campaign has gained quite a following online with playback singer Deepak  of Aalaporaan Thamizhan (Mersal movie song) advocating the cause.



Today, to kick start the week-long event, Goodness Foundation is having an inaugural ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, food will be provided to 300 people from underprivileged communities.

Abinaya, an artist, dancer and choreographer, also came forward to add voice to the campaign:



Here is what the organizers have to say:

Goodness Foundation in view to solve the ‘global hunger’, has come forward with an initiative #Food42.
#Food42 is an awareness Campaign of ones dying of Hunger. Hunger is the World’s biggest Heath problem. Every second a person dies because of Hunger.
Our intention is to provide food and encourage others to also provide food for the ones without food and homeless.
Our Campaigns target is to feed 5000 poor people. Campaign Inauguration is on 26th May. Campaign is named ‘Food for 2’ since any individual who is passionate about saving the poor people dying of hunger can give food for two poor persons, making an impact by saving their most valued life and by doing this you can be part of this Campaign living anywhere in the country.
We request each one to take the responsibility to give food to the ones in the street without food or poor homeless people and Put a write up or post on FB with the numbers of people one has helped and do mention #Food42, Or Send Goodness Foundation a message on how many were helped, so we can track the impact of reaching and feeding 5000 poor people through this Campaign.
Post the Campaign we would direct the needy to NGO who focuses on Food & Hunger projects.


The organisers are Paul Raja, Jason, Johnson and Paul Hudson from the class of 2006.

We are proud of you guys!!