Last week, when most teenagers in India were discussing the colour codes for Valentine’s day, Priya – who lives in New York- was busy working on her Social Studies project. The project was titled, ‘Selfless Servant of India’, and it discussed Amy Carmichael, the Irish missionary to South India.
Priya’s research for her project covered several aspects of Amy’s life starting from her early work during her days in Belfast, Ireland through her travel to Japan and the effect her stay in Japan had on her health, all leading up to her travel to southern India. Amy’s challenges in India, her struggle with Neuralgia and several incidents such as the saving of the first Devadasi were all covered in Priya’s social studies project.
Priya’s Mom – Rejoice Pravasi – is an SV alumnus working as a teacher in New York. Over the last several months, Rejoice has been working with several members of the alumni to identify ways to improve teaching and education in our beloved school.