The Huddle 2022 is the Alumni Meet in a new format. It has got exciting programs and inventive menu.
The Blog
Just a “Thank You” Note – from Helen Josh
I have, now for over 5 years, been a self-proclaimed “Honorary SV-ian”. So, I deem myself qualified to write about SV and SV-ians, thus here we are. I nagged my way into getting my article in here, for which I will forever be grateful. This[…]
He is His Father’s Son
Jeremy celebrated his birthday on April 25th. Weeks in advance, Jocelyn was already enquiring about Helen’s address. She and Anila were planning on a gift for Jeremy. ———————————————— Four years ago Jeremy was born. 2018. Since Josh and Helen were living in Gurgaon at that[…]
Happy Birthday Dear Helen
February 27th is Helen’s birthday. Although not an alum, Helen – like so many of our alumni’s spouses – has become a permanent part of the alumni family. While some of us have gotten to know Helen only in the past year or so, those[…]
Our Dinos – a Poem for our Seniors by Hephzibah Florance
Few little kids, barely six, Stepped into a little red fort, A strange place it was, and we were in a fix, With our parents no more in sight. A little fearful and with tearful eyes, We longed for our mothers arms, But when we[…]
The Edison Daniels Lecture on Life – An Introduction
In many ways, the culture at our school was a unique one. It was not the one that our parents identified with nor was it connected to where our parents then worked. It was unique. And we as boarders were part of it for ten[…]
Reverie of a Homemaker – A Poem by Hephzibah Florance
With lock down going on and on Never seem to end till we part, it seems; I sit inside my house with kids all day long, Playing, cooking, cleaning, washing and now teaching too, A new role added to the already existing maid job. Now[…]
Introducing Dani – The Edison Daniels Lecture, 2020
Thank you, George, for that wonderful introduction to the annual Edison Daniels Lecture. I am Joshua from the class of 2005. My order in the agenda for today is between George who you just heard from, and Dani who will be speaking next. I will[…]
2020 Virtual Alumni Meet
This year is special! Chances like this come very rarely. You don’t have to take a vacation, book tickets, travel and reach a destination for attending alumni meet. You can attend it from the comforts of your favourite corner of your home because its virtual[…]
Introduction to the Edison Daniels Lecture on Life – 2019
11:00AM October 20, 2019 YMCA Hall, Yelagiri This morning we’ve listened to some amazing tributes to Professor Ivan Balasingh. From Shim, Priscilla, and Helena who shared their stories during the memorial service in his memory. The fact that we are here at this meet, is[…]