Steve Jobs once said, “If today is the last day in your life, would you want to do what you’re about to do?”. And, if your answer has been no for a considerable period of time, it’s time to change. This was a statement made by one of the greatest icons of our times. This made me wonder: Am I living my life to my full potential or am I limiting my imagination? We are confined by the walls that we build ourselves. I believe we all have greatness within ourselves and I am going to share three P’S that have helped me in my progress.
- Purpose
Purpose is an obsession. When you have a purpose you are driven forward. Some are pulled back by looking back at their past failures, and some are pulled sideways by various distractions. However, the ones who have a laser-sharp focus are pulled forward in spite of their circumstances. Those who have a purpose don’t need an alarm clock to wake up; their passion wakes them up.
There is an old biblical phrase which says “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. Helen Keller had no vision (eyesight), but she had a stronger purpose which drove her to write beautiful songs. Our own Amma, Amy Carmichael, came to India and rescued the little girls who were sold as slaves to the temples. Her legacy still lives on because she lived a life with purpose.
- Preparation
Nobody gets lucky. Opportunities arise for those who are prepared. The future belongs to the ones who are prepared today and those who are not prepared, simply let the opportunities pass by. Every athlete prepares himself physically and mentally before the competition. Preparation is taking time to sharpen and hone your skills. Michael Phelps is one of the greatest swimmers of all times. His preparation level was a notch higher than his competitors.
You will not win in all your fights, but you will be prepared for the next battle
- Progress
Progress equals happiness. We all need to progress. We need to move to reach our destiny. There is another biblical phrase which says “Stop drinking milk, but crave for solid food”. The small steps that you take today will determine your future. We can’t remain infants; however, we can stretch from where we are to where we want to reach.
Do take a note of the Venn diagram to discover your calling.