2020 Virtual Alumni Meet

This year is special!

Chances like this come very rarely. You don’t have to take a vacation, book tickets, travel and reach a destination for attending alumni meet. You can attend it from the comforts of your favourite corner of your home because its virtual and on the zoom platform. You can attend the 2020 Alumni Meet through your phone or other devices that can access internet.

Thought I’d give you an idea of the programs planned for this year.

Banyan Tree Discussion

This discussion will attempt to unravel the impact of boarding school life on family and interpersonal relationships using real-world examples. Discussion led by Rojo (Class of 2006), a researcher on the topic of addiction at India’s premier Institute for mental health and neurosciences (NIMHANS, Bengaluru)

Girls Program

An exclusive program for girls to come and laugh together, discuss life hacks, have heart to heart chats, play a game of quiz, and exchange fashion tips. Boys trespass at your own risk.

TEDy talk: The Edison Daniels Lecture on Life

A formal lecture delivered by a distinguished individual each year (read more about this lecture here). Daniel Balasingh, this year’s speaker, started as an International Trade Specialist, and now works with Australian Railways. Dani was influential in founding the Dohnavur Post, as well as the alumni association, and served as the first Treasurer of SVAA from its inception until he moved to Sydney in 2016.

North East Culture Showcase

A glimpse into the culture, tradition, and life in the North East put together by our North East SV alumni from across the country.

Career Building Workshop

The most important part of the alumni community is its members. Career building workshop is a special event designed to support our members – freshers, experienced professionals, and students alike – to build a career especially around an economy tattered by the pandemic. Hosted by Pravin Daniels (class of 1999), an entrepreneur, and a seasoned recruiter with over 17 years of industry experience.

Stand-up Comedy: Tevid Saar on Zoom

Once again this year, the creator of metaphors and new threats, punisher of the wrong-doer and right-doer alike (impartially), comic book enthusiast, and power shoes brand ambassador, will honor us by joining in over a zoom call, in the form of his alter-ego (no prizes for guessing who!). Love category students be warned.

Music Concert

An hour of Rock ‘n’ Roll put together by musicians from 4 decades of life behind the crimson walls. Those mavericks who wielded the axe, or stretched those pipes, who tore those skins or blew the horn will band together to sing and play again – this time for the love of SV.

Legends of Dohnavur: Baking with an ex-Tunnel man

The tale of a group of young boys driven by boredom and pent up energy to dig a tunnel, months before their 10th public exams, narrated by an insider who now experiments with yeast and flour for his sourdough bread.

Hope you enjoy the programs.

Au revoir!